The official policy and procedures documents for the Association are listed below. For any questions involving these documents, contact any of the Association's officers.
- Woods of Logsdon's Ridge Covenants: View the entire Covenants of the HOA, which every homeowner should have and read since we are all obligated to comply with all requirements. (New Updated Covenant with Amendment #7)
Property Change Approval Form: PDF Format (enter data by hand) Word Format (enter data by word processor)
you can fill out the form online and submit required documents using onlinePROPERTY CHANGE FORM.
Architectural Committee Guidelines: Provides clarifications as to how the Architectural Committee will address property change requests under the provisions of the HOA Covenants.
HOA Notification Waiver: Authorizes HOA to send you Association Dues Invoice Notices via Email and save costs from paper, ink, envelopes, and Postal delivery.
Proxy Form: Enables absentee voting or assignment of homeowner's voting authority to designated proxy.
Violations and Liens: Provides clarifications as to how the Trustees will enforce the Violations and Liens provisions of the HOA Covenants.